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Click here to learn about what Neurofeedback is

What does Neurofeedback help with?

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback used to help many conditions such as:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD)

  • Stress disorders, panic attacks, anxiety, fears, and phobias

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Chronic pain

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Sleep issues

  • Cognitive performance issues

  • Poor concentration, slow thinking, and memory issues

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Depressive mood disorders, irritability, and mood fluctuations

  • Children behavioral issues (like tantrums), impulsive behavior

  • Addictive behaviors

  • Eating disorders

  • Motor and vocal Tics


How Does a Neurofeedback/Biofeedback Session Looks like?

Barcelona Counseling uses NeurOptimal® equipment for Neurofeedback. NeurOptimal® is non-invasive. No electricity, vibration, or external signal is going into the brain during your session. The feedback is created by listening to pleasant music and sounds. During your session, two small sensors are placed on your scalp, one on your left ear, and two on your right ear. You will be sitting on a reclined chair with a weighted blanket (blanket is optional). The experience is relaxing, pain-free, drug-free, and completely non-invasive. NeurOptimal® is 100% natural biofeedback.


How does NeurOptimal® works?

NeurOptimal® is a detection and monitoring system that measures the changes in the electrical patterns emanating from the scalp. The measurement rate is 256 times a second. The equipment is able to mimic the communication of the central nervous system. The biofeedback that the brain receive is simply information about its own activity. With two scalp sensors, and clips on each ears, the system is able to detect when the brain is about to shift states in an unstable way. When this happens, the systems delivers a break in the audio, which triggers a brain reflex called the Orienting Response. This process promotes systemic improvement in brain function. The process is natural, safe, and completely non-invasive

What are the side effects of Neurofeedback/Biofeedback training?

Neurofeedback training with NeurOptimal® only displays information about your brain activity, allowing your brain to self-correct. It is non-invasive, and does not include any medication or any preparation of any kind. As such, there are no known side effects to neurofeedback training using NeurOptimal®. 

Will the improvements of Neurofeedback/Biofeedback last?

The changes that neurofeedback training brings about are long-lasting. Brain training is like athletic training in the sense that we can’t just go to the gym once or twice or for a month or two and then never go back and expect to maintain the same level of fitness. Neurofeedback training is most effective when continued as part of your total fitness regimen. For some, this is monthly. For others, this is annually. And for still others, this is right before exams or a big presentation. It’s all up to you and what you want to achieve. Lifestyle including diet and exercise as well as stress levels have an impact on how you do as well. It is important to take good care of one’s self and one’s relationships after your initial trainings. The great part about that is, the benefits NeurOptimal® brain training brings (greater calm, better sleep, better focus, etc.) can make these tasks a bit easier.


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When it comes to health and wellness therapy, there are a lot of 'buzzwords' that are thrown around. Biofeedback and Neurofeedback are two that are often mentioned in the discussions. You might be confused about whether they are the same based on how similar they sound. They're indeed connected yet distinct. Let's delve into the details to learn the meaning of these two terms. What is Biofeedback? Biofeedback training is a non-invasive, drug-free way to help people with stress-related disorders manage their symptoms. Using their awareness of the link between their minds and their bodies, patients can control the impact of stress on their bodies and these reactions: • Blood circulation in the limbs • Blood pressure • Muscular tension • Heart rate • Sensing pain • Sweat gland activity Moreover, biofeedback therapy can reduce the distressing signs of a wide variety of stress-related disorders, such as: • General anxiety • Depression • PTSD • Insomnia • Contraction of Muscles or Spasms • Irritable Bowel Syndrome • Heart palpitations • High blood pressure • Cravings and addictions How does Biofeedback work? During Biofeedback, nothing from the outside or drugs are ever used to stop the body's natural processes. Instead, sensors are put on the patient to keep track of their vital signs, such as their hand temperature, heart rate, muscle tension, and the activity of the sweat glands in their fingers. Many people think they can't control these physiological processes run by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). If these functions could be measured in real-time, doctors like Cain Denture Centers could teach their patients how to control their autonomic nervous system to improve self-regulation and alleviate symptoms. Patients, for example, can learn how stress affects their bodies by tracking sweat gland activity at their fingertips; practice can help them mitigate the adverse effects of stress. What is Neurofeedback? Neurofeedback (also spelled EEG-Biofeedback) is a type of Biofeedback. Neurofeedback, a subset of Biofeedback, measures and emphasizes brain activity instead of heart rate or hand temperature. Although the brain is rarely included in Biofeedback, it follows the same treatment pattern because it is a complex organ. Like Biofeedback, Neurofeedback does not involve any physical or chemical stimulation of the brain or body. In contrast to biofeedback therapy, neurofeedback therapy uses sensors implanted in the head to track neural activity, such as brainwaves. Which type of Biofeedback or Neurofeedback is best for a patient ultimately depends on personal preference. How does Neurofeedback work? An EEG sensor is necessary for Neurofeedback, a type of biofeedback therapy, to monitor electrical brain activity. These are placed strategically on the head and face to track your brain activity in real-time. Neurofeedback therapy aims to help patients learn how their brainwaves react to various stressors and then practice techniques to reduce this electrical activity and ultimately feel more at ease. During neurofeedback therapy, five major categories of brainwaves are tracked: • Delta: Delta waves are the slowest and most reflective of profound relaxation. These things happen when a person is in a deep stage of sleep other than REM. • Theta: Also slow, but not as much as Delta, is the Theta brainwave. These types of thoughts come up while sleeping, meditating, or in a state of relaxed creativity. • Alpha: In this state, people are relaxed but still aware of their surroundings. A sign of an alpha-state brain is that it can switch from a relaxed alpha state to a more active one. • Beta: Faster Beta waves work when a person is awake and mentally active, concentrating on a task or actively engaging in a conversation. • Gamma: The quickest and smallest waves; they appear during prolonged periods of focused attention or stress. What Is The Difference Between Neurofeedback and Biofeedback? ​Heart rate variability, galvanic skin response (sweating), muscle activity (using EMG or electromyography), and electrical activity in the brain (using EEG) are just some of the bodily responses that can be monitored with Biofeedback. Neurofeedback focuses entirely on monitoring brainwave activity, whereas Biofeedback can include other measurements. Therefore, Neurofeedback is also referred to as EEG biofeedback.  Here are some more differences that separate Neurofeedback from Biofeedback: • More complicated: Because brainwave signals are more difficult to interpret than other physiological signals, Neurofeedback is a more dynamic therapeutic approach. To check the brain's electrical activity, many sensors must be carefully placed in different parts of the head. • More sessions: learning which emotions cause which neuro-electrical activity and how to achieve a more relaxed neurological state takes more sessions because people can't detect their brainwave activity. More sessions are typically needed for Neurofeedback than for standard Biofeedback. • Specific conditions: in particular, Neurofeedback's emphasis on improving brain electrical responses has shown promising results in treating depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), headaches, memory loss, and sleep disturbances. • The monitoring device: an EEG feedback device is all that is needed for neurofeedback treatment. Since various physiological responses are measured during Biofeedback, the biofeedback device needs to be equipped with multiple monitoring mechanisms. Which is Best: Biofeedback or Neurofeedback? Consider your end goal before settling on a course of treatment to boost your health and happiness. Biofeedback is ideal if, for instance, you want to learn how to be calm and relaxed. You can more quickly see results from efforts to reduce stress by focusing on physiological indicators like heart rate and muscle tension with the help of a biofeedback device. Case studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that Neurofeedback can significantly affect health and well-being for various conditions and, in some cases, can even help improve overall health. Neurofeedback is a more targeted approach than Biofeedback that investigates the positive effects of the brain's electrical activity on health. Instead of jumping right into the more complex and covert process of Neurofeedback when using a device at home, we advise beginning with a broader biofeedback experience. Talk to your biofeedback therapist about possibly trying Neurofeedback together if you're already working with their guidance.


Neurofeedback vs Biofeedback: What’s the Difference?

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